...of Jaunts and Journeys

Friday, December 17, 2010


The first weekend of December was "the weekend" to drive to the piney woods region of the state (East Texas) for the annual selection and cutting of the Christmas tree. The drive to Lindale, Texas takes about 90 minutes and is just far enough to make one feel the big city is far, far away.

The Christmas Tree Farm is also home to some 4H animals. This year the stock was 100% different than last year. This was taken through the wire cage. Loved the contrasting colors.

Since the weather was beautiful (crisp but not overly windy or cold) we decided to have a picnic lunch along the shore at Lake Tyler State Park. Naturally I set out with camera in tow to see what I could find in the way of flora and fauna.

This photo turned out a bit dark, but I love what the exposure did to the color of the water.

Toward the end of the afternoon the colors of the foliage started glowing in the reflections.

The ride home was spent taking a zillion shots of the sunset (I was the passenger). I need to practice this since I am none too pleased with the results. I get my settings wrong and then the foreground looks blurry. Oh well. The colors painted across the sky were exquisite regardless of my photographic abilities... or lack thereof.

Until I find more time...