...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Latest Attempt at "Feel-Good"

Here are the Marcus Brothers Surf & Sand prints that I ordered. The colors are so soothing... and at this point I need as much calming as I can get! Life has been hectic lately and it isn't always a good thing. I'll spare everyone the boring details.... but just wanted to share a picture of these new arrivals. Have the beginning of an idea of how to use them....

Until then....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Greased Grooves***

I am in love!! With sincerest apologies to Homestead Hearth for using their photo of the quilt kit they are offering (click on the name/link and you can buy one for yourself!), I just had to show everyone the newest fabrics to capture my passion. No, I didn't buy the kit... but I *did* buy some yardage.

I am no lover of pastels (unless you mean those waxy little crayon-things that are probably not even spelled the same way... and please don't comment about the correct spelling; that isn't the point of my tirade)! Never have been; never will. But the name of this collection, combined with the visual and olfactory stimulation that take place make it impossible to resist. I can hear the waves softly lapping the sun-warmed beach. I can smell the suntan lotion. Put more succinctly, I am reminded exactly of a candle I purchased last summer made by The Yankee Candle Company. It was most aptly named Sun & Sand™ by the candlemaker. Again, the olfactory, visual, and auditory stimuli conjure up the beach, laughter, sunshine, suntan lotion, waves, etc.

So I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the prints in my mailbox. Now I can officially be ready for summer (we practically skip Spring in these parts; no point mentioning the half of week it occurs. Temps will approach 90 in the next couple of days. To some of you, that *is* summer). The inevitablility of turning on the air conditioner has been accepted. Winter is complete and life as we know it in this large city of cement, steel, pollution, and noise plunked right in the middle of the southern prairies can resume - the blinding glare of the sun, the sweltering heat that makes even the most dainty southern belle sweat gallons of perspiration..... and the self-imposed reminders that cement is *nearly* the same color as sand.... and if you look very carefully (and cross your eyes) the waves of heat rising from the pavement *sorta* resemble waves near a beach.... Thank goodness for fabric collections and candle fragrances!!!

***The title refers to a portion of a line from the movie based on John Huston's treatise of John Steinbeck's novels Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday. "Things were finally back to normal, on Cannery Row. Once more, the world was spinning in greased grooves." John Huston directed the movie Cannery Row which is actually a combination of the two aforementioned Steinbeck novels. It is unavailable on DVD, but if you ever have the chance, watch it. You will view Steinbeck in a whole new light.

Until I get back from enjoying the brilliant sunshine.....

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I forgot my own anniversary!! Despite the fact that I've thought about the date (March 20) numerous times in the days leading up to the actual event, it still managed to slip my mind. The worst part is that I have no excuse other than.... I forgot!!!

Fortunately there are no hurt feelings; no ruffled feathers to smooth. The anniversary??? THREE (3) years since the beginning of this blog!

Until my brain is again functioning more clearly....

Friday, March 21, 2008

What a week......

This has been a long week. In all likelihood it only seems that way to me because I am feeling puny. I think THE CRUD is trying to take hold in my body....sore throat, aching body parts, that tightness in the chest like something is trying to attack the lungs. I don't really want to get sick!

I've been working on some sewing projects. Mundane mending, for one. Loose buttons, frayed buttonhole, seam coming apart in something else.

Then there is "the" project I am doing under great duress. I am kicking, screaming, and flailing wildly in an attempt to get out of making this one. I don't want to do it because the person for whom I am doing this has a very rigid notion of what is and isn't acceptable. Needless to say, the fact that the *whole* concept is unacceptable to me matters for naught. His idea of a t-shirt quilt means appliquing the ENTIRE t-shirt to a backing. In this instance a flat bed sheet is being used. After the shirts are fused to the backing, a border will be added to lend more color. To make the entire project even more objectionable, he is insisting the project be 2-sided.... yup..... more t-shirts on the back. How do you convince a man his idea is lousy???? The picture below shows the progress. Can you tell that some of the shirts are ready to be fused? I am using lightweight bonding web... but when this is all sandwiched together... you guessed it..... he wants it to be quilted all over. To add insult to injury, he has enough t-shirts to make F-O-U-R of these covers...... yes, FOUR..... 4. He is as thrilled, anxious, and excited to get these assembled as if he is making it himself. (He even offered to help do the applique work. I will pretend I didn't hear him say that)! You gotta love a guy who has that much faith in your abilities... especially when I am having trouble visualizing (let alone conceptualizing) the end result. MEN!!!

T-shirts from all over the world...literally!

I finally got the wayward BOM installment in the mail...only 1-1/2 weeks later!! At this point I'd rather be working on those blocks... but that's another story! When does the Mystery BOM start again? Boy, am I ready.

Until I get out of this funk.....

Monday, March 17, 2008

Had to Share!

I've just spent the better part of the afternoon reading the website/blog of a woman I've never met and likely never will. It all started when Cindy called and told me about a fabulous salad she ate at a recent sewing event at her LQS. (Life can't get much better than that.... quilting and eating... at the same time!!)

Cindy tells me the name of the recipe is Napa Cabbage Salad and that the woman who made the recipe told Cindy the recipe could easily be found on the Internet. Ever industrious...or maybe always REALLY bored.... I typed the name in a search engine and started following links to the differing versions of Napa Cabbage Salad.

Then I hit upon this little jewel. Not only does the author make me laugh, she takes incredibly helpful pictures of recipes as she prepares them. She refers to herself as
The Pioneer Woman. Check it out and get a chuckle...not to mention some wonderful recipe ideas. I added one of her entries to my upcoming Easter Dinner fare. There is a companion website/blog for the recipes called The Pioneer Woman Cooks.

Until later....


Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone, Irish or not! It is also the 14th birthday of my youngest son, appropriately named Patrick. (His birthparents named him and it was so symbolic of the day we didn't have the heart to change it when we adopted him.) Seems impossible he is already that age. Despite the precarious nature of the relationship he has chosen with those who love him most, I wish him many more birthdays in the future years. It will be up to him to make them into what he would have them be.

Storms are headed this way. Typical spring storms in north Texas... threat of hail and tornadoes.

Already ate my corned beef and cabbage. Now to watch Two and a Half Men and Deal or No Deal. Might have to sneak a sip of Irish Whiskey into my bloodstream so the few drops of Irish blood coarsing through my veins actually stick around. lol

Still no sign of the next BOM installment in my mailbox, Cindy. If it isn't here in a few days I'll give the shop a call.

Happy Birthday, Patrick. Mom loves you and I am thinking of you.

Until later......

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh my!!

Take a good look. This might be the *only* time in the recent past, present, or foreseeable future that my cutting/sewing table consisted of an honest-to-goodness open, workable space.

Back to work I go. I've been cleaning my table, sorting through a pile of patterns, organizing some WIPs, sorting and separating some prints (Thimbleberries and Kansas Troubles), and all manner of productivity today.

Cindy, still haven't seen the mailman to know if I got the next BOM package. Sure, now that I have room to work on it, the dang thing will take its time getting here! lol

Until I take another blogging break....

Friday, March 14, 2008


Haven't had the chance to do any more batik sampler blocks and it is stressing me. Life certainly intervenes at the most inopportune moments.

I've been doing some genealogical research again. Its been ages since I did that, too. Quite unexpectedly I was provided a lead to some files online that pertained to some of my lines. Hit the jackpot!!! The discovery involved my 6th great-grandfather (GRAY). I was excited to learn that he fought in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 upon review of his military records. Not that I am particularly interested in military records, but I was provided yet another surname in my line (CARTWRIGHT). This is always a grand discovery!! My paternal lines in the USA go back to the Salem Witch trials (HERRICK)..... but my maternal lines didn't start arriving on these shores until 1739 or later (SCHUPP; pronounced like Shupe/Shoop) with the "Pennsylvania Dutch" in and around Dauphin and Lancaster counties. My maternal grandfather (MATOUSEK; from Czechoslovakia) didn't arrive until after 1900. This doesn't even take into consideration my Norwegian roots (1840s), my Irish ancestors (1850s), and the scores of Bavarian kin (1840s) that immigrated to this land. So I am definitely a Heinz 57..... mutt..... true American!!

A word about the tunes.... there is a definite mix, isn't there? You can skip songs by clicking on a song title more to your liking or you can stop the player by clicking on the little pause/stop symbol. These songs have all been a "favorite" at one time or another, for one reason or another. Some go back to the 60s when I first remember preferring some songs to others... some are from my high school days... some are 70s disco.... some are from college... some are recent when my kids started liking music. I'll likely keep adding to these as I think of more tunes to add to the playlist. I also like to rearrange them from time to time.

Until another time.....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

. . . - - - . . . (in other words... HEEEELLLLLLLP!!)

I need some help in a *major* way. I have been [quasi] commissioned .... cajoled and then out-and-out begged is more like it...to make several quilts which will involve a great deal of applique. Now, while I have done applique projects in the past, it has been quite a few years since I last did the kind of applique being called for on these projects. I will need to do FUSIBLE applique. I have used Wonder-Under and one other (Steam-a-Seam Lite or Steam-a-Seam II??) in the past; wasn't particularly thrilled with the results of either. I need something that will remain relatively soft rather than "cardboardy" as some heavy-duty fusibles can become.

Is there anything new on the market that fits this description? Please share your comments or suggestions about what has been successful for your fusible applique projects...and THANKS!!!!

Until I get a better idea of how to proceed.....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can You Believe It?

....here is yet another batik sampler block. I think this brings the count to 14 of the total 82 blocks completed. I have a looooong way to go. Cindy said she thinks she has 20something completed. Perry probably has 100+82 finished the way she is sewing like gang-busters these days!

Janelle was in the room as I made this block. She commented that I had way too much patience to sit there making something as small as this block without going crazy. The blocks *are* somewhat smaller than the typical 12" block. These will finish at 7-1/2" when they are assembled into a top. But Janelle is a 20 year old - full of energy and life - no time to be meticulous. rofl Oh how nice it must be!

Time to get busy. The weather is wonderful today and I think it is time to go enjoy some of it. Or maybe I will crank out another batik sampler block!!

Until the next time....

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Weekend of Learning

I actually made another batik sampler block. Those things have lots of pieces!! This block has over 40 of the little buggers. I have also planned out the next several blocks. Decided to go in the order they are listed in the pattern so I can alleviate the decision-making process on which to make next!! I've gone through the next several block patterns, assigning the colors. I don't take very good pictures of projects. I don't have a design wall so I lay projects on a table or the floor. I can't get straight away or else the camera and my hand make a shadow across the item being photographed.

I've come to recognize that the hard part for me when it comes to quilting is the decision-making aspect. I am no good at deciding which fabrics/prints, which colors, or even which pattern, for that matter! I would do much better with a BOM or kit where everything is spelled out for me. And even now the current BOM is driving me nuts because I get sent precut strips and have to decide which 2 colors/prints to feature in each of the 14 blocks before I make the sub-cuts. I need a quilt genie!

Went to a wine-tasting class on Saturday night. It was very interesting. The main thing I learned is that I am too poor to afford the really good stuff! I got to see some folks I had not seen in ages, some as long ago as 8 or so years. My sister and I were laughing today about how well or not-so some of the people had aged. We mutually agreed that not everyone had aged as well as she and I have!!! ROFL

Until I again have something interesting to share......

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Caught in a whirlwind

I've been busy and I'm literally forcing myself to sit down to update this blog.

Last weekend Harry and I attended the 26th (or was it 27th?) Annual North Texas Irish Festival. The weather was incredibly perfect for such an event. The temperature was nearly 80 on both Saturday and Sunday.

The Festival is held at the Texas State Fair grounds. Two of the larger exhibit buildings are used for booths of all things Irish, Gaelic, Druid, Scottish, English, Renaissance, etc. Inside each building there are at least 2 stages for musical acts. Someone is singing at any given moment. Outside in the plaza between the 2 buildings is a long, reflecting pool and fountain that is drained, allowing the walls of the fountain to be used for sitting to watch the main stage set at one end. The beer and mead flow freely, as does the corned beef, cabbage, shepherd's pie, Irish stew, and more goodies than you can possibly eat. I was particularly fond of the mead. Last year I preferred the Irish Whiskeys. Came away with a good mead buzz and a complimentary copy of The Other Boleyn Girl. I was a happy camper.

Then things got strange. On Monday, March 3 it was Ross's birthday as some of you read in the blog entry that day. A norther came through and by evening it was SNOWING!!! We got about an inch of snow that stuck to little more than the cold metal of automobiles parked in the wind. By the next morning it was all melted. So much for our winter blast in Dallas!

Today is nearly 70 again; tomorrow it will rain and be lucky to reach 40. Its a wonder we don't all have pneumonia this time of year.

Yesterday I went to a suburb south of town to meet and visit with some of Harry's former coworkers and fellow retirees. It was a fun afternoon. Got to look at some shotguns owned by one of his friends. We also sampled some spicy venison summer sausage a friend made from his last hunting adventure. Oh my, was it tasty!!

I was awed by the shotguns. Some were antique; others still in the box from the manufacturer. How I'd love to own one. My dad has some shotguns he used when he was a boy. I once asked if I could have one - or at least use one. I was given a resounding NO. I guess he wants to be buried with them... or else he thinks I am still 5 years old and could hurt myself. I need to talk to Mom about that one!!

Remington 12 ga.

Talked to Cindy this afternoon. I told her I'd received the next BOM installment for the Dash of Christmas Spirit project in the mail today. She was thoughtful enough to point out that I also need to start the pumpkin quilt I keep meaning to make!! We both agreed that if we couldn't buy another thing quilt related we'd have enough stuff on hand at home to keep us busy sewing for years. I'd bet Cindy and I are not alone in that regard. lol

Technically I should now go sew. Nah..... I still need to clean the kitchen, do some laundry, check the TV listing for tonight, read a chapter in the latest book that's collecting dust on my nightstand, run some errands, and more. I can always find something to do.

Until another day.....

Monday, March 03, 2008


It all began in 1991

Today my son Ross celebrates his 17th birthday! The picture below is a picture of the very first time I held Ross when we were first introduced to him in March 1991 in Lubbock, Texas. It seems like yesterday, but I know so much has changed since that day.

Ross was adopted, as were all my sons. On each of their birthdays I find myself thinking about their respective birthmothers (none of the boys are biologically related). Silently I thank God that each chose to carry her baby to term for placement in an adoptive home. Ross's birthmother is deserving of extra thanks because she chose to respect the life inside her by abstaining from substances potentially harmful to a developing fetus (those who know our circumstances understand why this is worthy of special mention).

I wonder if the young women remember the day they gave birth to these boys. I wonder if they are haunted by the event or if they have chosen to think of it in a favorable way. I wonder if the boys have siblings of which they are unaware. (We do know that Ross has an older sister, and Patrick has at least one older brother and one younger sister).

Surely Ross's birthmother would be proud of the young man he is becoming. I know I sure am!!! It has been an honor to call him "my son".

After winning District Swim Meet - 2007

Ross, many more happy birthdays! May your future always remain as bright as it is today.

Love, Mom