...of Jaunts and Journeys

Monday, March 17, 2008

Had to Share!

I've just spent the better part of the afternoon reading the website/blog of a woman I've never met and likely never will. It all started when Cindy called and told me about a fabulous salad she ate at a recent sewing event at her LQS. (Life can't get much better than that.... quilting and eating... at the same time!!)

Cindy tells me the name of the recipe is Napa Cabbage Salad and that the woman who made the recipe told Cindy the recipe could easily be found on the Internet. Ever industrious...or maybe always REALLY bored.... I typed the name in a search engine and started following links to the differing versions of Napa Cabbage Salad.

Then I hit upon this little jewel. Not only does the author make me laugh, she takes incredibly helpful pictures of recipes as she prepares them. She refers to herself as
The Pioneer Woman. Check it out and get a chuckle...not to mention some wonderful recipe ideas. I added one of her entries to my upcoming Easter Dinner fare. There is a companion website/blog for the recipes called The Pioneer Woman Cooks.

Until later....

1 comment:

Perry said...

Gena, check out the blog link I am sending you. She hosts "quiltathons" on different days. I did one today. You might enjoy doing that. Read about it and follow some of the links to other quilters if you want to. Might be a way to find other quilters you enjoy visiting with.