...of Jaunts and Journeys

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


It has been raining quite frequently as of late. As I was cooking the evening meal after a day of rain I noted the colors from the kitchen window. I grabbed the camera and snapped a few shots.

I added a Gold Angelfish to the small aquarium. He/she is beautiful and very social. When I approach the tank the fish comes near and seems to pose for me.

Some of the cichlids. The blue/black striped fish is my favorite. The photo does not do justice to the vibrancy of his colors.

Same fish. He is a pseudotropheus demasoni and I only assume it is a he because of the vivid colors. In general the males are more colorful than females.

This is the Billy Bad Butt of the group. He chases the other fish and likes to bully them. He is also the largest, but he too is very nicely colored. This is a johanni.

I realize these posts have no importance attached, but I enjoy playing with the pictures and sharing them with friends and family members who regularly visit this blog.

Until the next time...

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