Recently I painted (with the help of a son) the ceiling and walls in the living and dining rooms. The color was changed from a darkish mauve/plum to a neutral beige. I had a purpose for the change.
I take lots of digital photos and have quite a few favorites. However, since they are digital, the only place they can be seen are on my computer. Someone dear to me thinks FILM is the only way to go because you can have the prints forever. Yes, I agree there are no prints but at the same time, think of all the money one saves by not purchasing bad prints just to get a few great ones! In an effort to compromise, I started printing out some of my favorite shots.
I went a step further and turned my newly painted [but bare] living room walls into my private, one-woman photo gallery. I purchased some cheap, black frames and matted them identically. Now I can rotate favorite pictures in and out. That was all wonderful until I realized all my favorite photos are very neutral colors. Tan, black, rust.... throw in some blue from a sky and some green from a field and you just saw all the colors of my gallery prints. I started noticing things around me.... most buildings are neutral tones, skyscrapers are neutral, most cars are now white, black, silver, beige. What happened to purple, yellow, orange, and lime green? So I set out yesterday morning with the intention of taking photos of C O L O R to replace the 'drab' in my frames.
Farmer's Market is always a great place to find color.
The fish store is halfway between my house and the farmer's market. After the visual treats at the market, we stopped at the fish store. I needed to put a few more fish in my aquarium and rarely venture to the store without my camera.
Look at the color on this little guy!! I think he's some sort of shrimp.
This fish amazed me. He reminded me of a rainbow. On his tail there are reddish orange colors and by the tip of his nose we've gone through the entire spectrum of the rainbow... red, orange, yellow, green tints, blue, purple, and ending with white. AMAZING!
Yesterday was a good day. My faithful sidekick was celebrating his birthday. We spent the day doing things he enjoyed. Ended it with a wonderful birthday dinner. Many more happy ones, H... or at this age perhaps I should just wish you more of them??? Just kidding... I was honored to be the one to help you celebrate.