...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Although the local "powers that be" have fallen short of declaring us in a full-blown drought, it is early June and we have already experienced temperatures far higher than normal, with an accompanying rainfall total far fewer inches than is average for this time of year. The grasses along the highways and interstates are crisp and devoid of chlorophyll. The heat is on! There aren't many outdoor adventures planned in the heat of the day. I had my camera sitting in the passenger seat as I ran errands, necessitating some frequent pull-overs to snap a shot or two. This fountain has been going for a couple years. It is in a townhouse development which is failing to develop given the economic reality of the area. But the fountains remain inviting nonetheless.

There was a Balloon Festival and Air Show in a community south of Dallas. Wishing to digitally capture a Balloon Glow remains on my list of wanna-trys. Saturday night seemed the perfect opportunity. Except for one tiny little thing; it was too windy and it was called off. Being in the middle of a field, there was no way to call ahead to inquire the status of the event. So we drove to the venue to learn it had never materialized. No problem. Turned around and headed east to a charming town. Waxahachie, Texas. Location of one of my favorite county courthouses in all of Texas. Turned the adventure into one of capturing night shots of the town square as it lit up.

A pub on the square featured live performances. The stage is located in the front window. This young musician had just taken the stage as we walked by.

I continue my love affair with alleys. It amazed me that one light could illuminate so thoroughly. (I rarely use a flash; all these photos were taken using the available ambient lighting.)

For a small town I was amazed at the activity in the downtown square. Music could be heard wafting from several venues, local plays were being performed at two different locations on the square, a wedding was in full swing in the upstairs of another storefront as evidenced by the guests who spilled into the street when in need of a smoke or some fresh breeze. (Mind you, the temperature was 88 degrees at 10 p.m., but cool compared to the 98 high of the day.)

An hour after the first shot... and from the diagonally opposing corner.

As always, I was accompanied by my favorite fellow adventurer. It was a night time adventure that was altogether unexpected, but well worth the time spent. Memories were made and laughter was shared.

Until further adventures...

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