...of Jaunts and Journeys

Friday, August 13, 2010


Here is where I want to be. Well, not exactly be as in "at that location" (even though it is a lovely spot on Lake Ray Roberts), but this is how I want to feel.

I want the calm and serenity;
To be undisturbed or unrippled
So I reflect the beauty of my surroundings.

I want to breathe the unfettered tranquility;
To quench my soul like a magical elixir
So discordant harmonies within can cease to clash.

My grandmother died last week. That event, compounded by a multitude of other tribulations, has turned my world upside down. I hope to get to a place where I can write a tribute to her memory. But not yet.

Until a better day...


Donna said...

Dear Gena,

I know how important your grandmother was to you. I am so sorry that she is no longer here for you. I pray that your sorrows are comforted knowing that she is now experiencing the Glory.

Love you

Gena in Dallas said...

Thanks, Donna. Yes, I acknowledge that Grandma is in a far better place now. For that I am grateful. 2010 has certainly been a year full of heartache.
All my love to the 3 of you.... Gena

Perry said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother Gena. I am sure you are just devastated. I know I was when mine pasted away.