...of Jaunts and Journeys

Thursday, November 25, 2010


The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is blaring from the television. The pie is made. The turkey is ready for the oven. Now for the aroma to fill the house.

The autumn color in the city has emerged in the recent week or two. While it is never particularly spectacular by New England terms, it has been beautiful. I take the camera with me at every opportunity and find myself frequently stopping on the side of the neighborhood streets as I drive to the grocery store, to work, or to the house of a friend. Here are some of the finds.....

I was sitting at the traffic light on the way to work this past Tuesday morning. This was taken through my windshield as I waited for the light to turn green.

The colors in this yard have caught my eye on numerous occasions. The tree on the left is yellow; the tree on the mid-right is multiple colors - all one tree. Green, orange, red, yellow. It is gorgeous.

This is the crape myrtle tree in my front yard. The autumn foliage of the crape myrtle trees have been particularly colorful.

The other night I was headed home at sunset. As I crossed the bridge over the freeway this is what I saw to the west. A spectacular sunset of color.

And as if not to be outdone or forgotten, at the same time to the east the full moon rose in the sky. Gorgeous!

A little taste of autumn in Dallas, Texas. Hope everyone has a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving. Every day should be a day of giving thanks! There are many things for which I am thankful, despite the lousy chaos of life that seems to always subvert the expression of what is in one's heart.

Now back to the kitchen I must go.

Until the next time...

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