...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, March 20, 2011

AN ANNIVERSARY... and more

Today marks the Sixth Year this blog has been in existence. I figured the least I could do is make a new post in celebration!

Is this little guy cute or what?? He was 7 months old on the day of the photo. I am related to this cutie. He is the youngest grandson of my first cousin. According to my family tree software that makes him my first cousin twice removed. I thought it made him a second cousin, but that isn't right.

According to those who follow the celestial events, last night's full moon was the Perigee Moon or the "Super Moon" as some were calling it. Basically it means that due to the elliptical orbit of the moon, there are times when the moon is closest to the earth... and times when it is farthest. A perigee moon is closest; an apogee moon is most distant. Regardless I chose to think of it as a photo op and headed to a nearby lake for an unobstructed eastern view. I was not disappointed.

The moon seemed to rise so quickly it was as though you could see it move.

The majority of the time I played with various camera settings, experimenting for the perfect exposure. I loved how the glow of the moon began reflecting in the water.

This was great! A night fisherman steering his boat through the reflection.

The moon kept getting whiter and the reflection got wider.

It was a wonderful adventure. The temperature on the lake was about 65 degrees, the breeze was much calmer than it had been during daylight hours, there were few if any mosquitos, and the company was exemplary.

Wonder where I will be in 2029 when the perigee moon next occurs??????

Until the next spare moment .....

Monday, March 14, 2011


Despite the fact I haven't done much lately, I've stayed busy. The first weekend in March always signifies the North Texas Irish Festival at Fair Park. This year the day began rather gloomy, chilly, and windy. By the afternoon it was brighter and somewhat warmer. There never seems to be a happy medium during Irish Fest. Some years it has been bitterly cold and other years hot enough to cause sunburns.

The late winter- early spring flowers are in full bloom around the city... daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths.

This past weekend brought a trip to the Farmer's Market. How I love that place! Always something worth investigating or trying.

These Gerbera Daisies look so friendly.

The old and the new.

The entrance to the market.

The majority of my days are spent working or driving others to/from work. The weeks are passing quickly. Hopefully the days will slow a bit with daylight saving time in effect. Regardless, it is still my goal to take more photos. I'm trying!!!

Until I get back in the groove...