...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, October 17, 2009


The local news has been reporting a significant pumpkin shortage this season. The reports attribute the shortage to too much rain, the inability to get into the fields to harvest the crop, and a cooler growing season in general. I disagree with this assessment. All one has to do to understand the pumpkin shortage is make a trip to the Dallas Arboretum for the Fall Color Show. I've never seen so many pumpkins... literally!! They were in every shape, size, and color. They were lining the paths through the gardens. They were floating in fountains. They were piled into frames to form houses. The largest pumpkins offered themselves as resting spots for visitors weary from the long walks or for hungry squirrels as they opened cherished nuts. Regardless, the color was magnificent!

This is a fountain. The water trickles around the grooves as it spirals down to the center.

Another unique fountain. Three walls of water cascading into a pool below.

Water lilies.... not much needs to be said about these amazing beauties!

A quirky shot. So many jutting points and bare limbs.

Hints of autumn color are beginning to appear... we made a return visit to the Hagerman Wildlife Refuge. This is quickly becoming one of our favorite destinations. We saw very little in the way of wildlife this visit. A couple of turtles, a few Great Blue Herons, some small ducks... that was it!

The way the sun sparkled into the lens captivated me (there is certainly nothing outstanding about this photo).

Until the next adventure...

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