Today was the scheduled day for major aquarium maintenance. Water was changed, gravel was vacuumed, decor was rotated, and fish were exchanged. It has been about 7 months since the aquarium was initially set up. How much I've learned since then!
In the interim, fish have mysteriously disappeared without a trace, some fish became the tank bully, some fish had babies. Others simply died. But overall, I've been able to maintain a tank without too many mishaps. I even still own some of the original fish. This is what it looked like then.... when I first entered the world of aquarists.
And this is how it looks now.... after the complete cleaning and rearrange. Four fish were removed to make room for a couple new ones of a different color. As of this writing, there are 4 OB Zebras, 1 demasoni, and 1 johanni. I know the OB Zebras are happy in this aquarium since they have reproduced. I want to add a couple of yellow labs. We'll see...
It won't be long and I will be changing this aquarium again. I am in the process of setting up a 70 gallon beauty which will house my cichlids. I am seriously considering using this small tank as an aquatic plant aquarium and keeping some very small fish among the plants. It is worth further investigation.
Thanks to the awesome cousin who helped with this project. Helped nothing. He did all the work. He said next time he'll watch while I do.... sounds fair to me. I already told him I'd make him a home-cooked meal for all his help with the upcoming set-up. I still think I get the better end of that deal.
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