...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, February 28, 2010


After I posted about going to Lake Texoma and Whitesboro I remembered there was another facet to the adventure which I'd failed to mention. It is worth mentioning but for very strange reasons.

As we were leaving the Old World Meat Market I noticed emergency vehicle lights in my rearview mirror. Then I noticed another stopped police car. Seeing the procession of cars told me it was a funeral. No, there was no hearse. Or was there??? Sure enough, the coffin was in the back of a pickup truck (tailgate lowered) and a spray of orange and yellow flowers adorned the wood. How odd, I thought. Then the REAL oddity was seen.... and naturally since we had just gotten in the car I didn't have my camera out to capture any of this.... on the back of the pickup carrying the coffin were two large flags on each side of the tailgate. I assume the flags were the US flag and perhaps the Texas flag. I can't say for sure because I was distracted by the flags on the back of the pickup truck immediately following the coffin-carrying truck. In all its glory was the CONFEDERATE FLAG (we call it the Rebel Flag) with the word R E D N E C K emblazened across the center as shown below. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!!! The flag on the other side appeared to be a military flag or some other organization's flag. All I noted was that it had words on it. My jaw was still on the ground from seeing the REDNECK flag.

Today I looked up obituaries from that area and found the notice about a 75 year old man. Somehow I imagined the person would have been much younger.

Trust me on this one. I could never have made this up in a million years!!

Until another day...

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