...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, April 11, 2010


.... that I *love* trains? Particularly old trains; vintage trains; trains from a simpler era? Consider it mentioned!

This past weekend the area was treated to something special. This train, Union Pacific No. 844, is touring the country. Depending on who you believe, this train resides in Wyoming and makes a journey across the country, stops at various cities and eventually makes a return trip to Wyoming. As for whom you believe, the website says Wyoming. The engineer says Oregon. Either way it is the northwest.

This train has the distinction and honor of being considered the last steam locomotive manufactured. It was put into service in 1944. In my mind this date conjures images of soldiers leaving and then returning home, war supplies being shuttled to and from various locations, and more.

We left the house at 6 a.m. Saturday morning to drive to the Union Pacific rail yard west of downtown Fort Worth, Texas. The train's departure time was scheduled for 8 a.m. so we planned for plenty of time to take photographs.

This is my favorite photo. No idea why.... it simply is.

This photo truly gives an impression of the massive size.

The morning had dawned dreary and overcast. As I was on the west side of the train the morning sun broke through the clouds for but a moment and illuminated the steam in a striking manner. I smiled and snapped this photo.

The train is finally chugging toward its destination. Look at all that stream!! And the sounds!! My, how wonderful the sounds.

This photo struck me as interesting. To see this steam engine of a former day moving against a backdrop of the modern era locomotives was very poignant. Even the rail yard workers were caught up in the moment and took time to admire the mechanical marvel.

Gaining momentum....

This too was a poignant shot. Yesteryear moving toward the modern as the train rolled east toward the skyscrapers of Fort Worth.

With the train departed, the return trek to Dallas afforded some smelling of the roses... or in this case, some photos of the roadside wildflowers. The State Flower of Texas... the Bluebonnet.

This was by accident. As I sat in the flowers I managed to capture the interstate signs pointing to both Dallas and Fort Worth.

Despite the overcast, gray skies in Fort Worth, the sky was cloudless in Dallas.

To complete the morning (we were back home by noon), we stopped at the Dallas Farmer's Market to browse the offerings.

It was no later than 9:30 or 10:00 a.m when we visited the market. As evidenced by the lack of jackets and sweaters, it is a typical spring day in Dallas. Morning lows in the 60s; afternoon highs reaching the upper 70s. In all the years we've been going to the market, we've never eaten breakfast at this outdoor cafe. Perhaps one day.

Later in the evening we went to the Dallas Galleria to see a new aquarium that had been installed earlier in the day with help from my cousin the fish-guru. I'd never taken the camera to the Galleria so I thought I'd at least capture the tank set up. Instead I had fun capturing architecture and patrons.

All in all, it was a good day. Oh, and did I mention I still love trains?

Until the next time...

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