...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, January 01, 2011

A NEW YEAR?!?!?!?!?!

Happy 2011!! I am relieved to see 2010 go. It was not a very pleasant year.

This morning I decided I was going to take (and post?) at least one new picture a day. I set out on a 30 minute walk and took the camera with me. The walk was the other part of my decision. I am going to get back into my daily walking routine. However, I've not walked seriously since before my last major surgery, so I am basically starting from scratch and needing to take "baby steps". Arbitrarily I selected a 30 minute walk as my starting point. I can build from there.

Back to the pictures.... during these walks I plan to reacquaint myself with this old neighborhood from a different perspective.

The guy at the house with this Christmas light display wins the award for the least amount of effort put into outdoor Christmas decoration. The pathetic crape myrtle is cut back way too early in the year and the string of lights took less time to position than it took me to focus and snap the photo.

So here is to a new year of adventures, a new year of taking pictures, and a new year of seeing my neighborhood with new eyes.

Until another day...

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