...of Jaunts and Journeys

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Disney has kept me very busy lately. Lots of accounts to visit with the recent release of Sleeping Beauty on DVD. Tonight I decided to schedule some "ME" time and I made the next block for the Mystery BOM some of us are doing. Here is the block. I see that I am still rusty from the lack of sewing over the past couple of years. I hope my precision returns soon!

Last weekend we went on an adventure to the Heritage Park of Farmers Branch, Texas. There are homes, log cabins, churches, etc. from the late 1800s and early 1900s. One of the "homestead houses" has a garden and features some wonderful examples of agriculture of the day. Isn't the flower below beautiful.... so white and unblemished. Can you guess what it is?

After time, the flower above evolves into the PINK flower below. Strangely beautiful though.

As the pink blossom above matures it becomes the swollen pod shown below. Still any idea what plant this is?

Once the pod dries, it opens to exhibit its glorious contents. If you guessed COTTON, you were correct. This is the plant that makes our quilting fetish possible!!!

I thought this made an interesting picture.... okra lined up on a bench.

This is my favorite building at the park. In another lifetime I would have wanted my house to look like this.... heck, even in THIS lifetime I'd like to have this house (with air conditioning and indoor plumbing, of course)!

The old Farmers Branch train depot. The vintage Marathon Gas Station beyond the rail depot has a gas pump in the front advertising gasoline for 17 cents a gallon!!!
The reason we were at the park is because there was a Vintage Base Ball (yes, 2 words) Tournament being played. The rules are oddly different than current day baseball. The thing most different is the players do not use any gloves!! Another oddity is that if a player in the outfield catches a ball on the first bounce it is the same as catching a fly ball and the batter is out!

Here is an update of my fall garden. Tomatoes are starting to set and the broccoli looks as though it can't get any bigger. There are no crowns yet.

Until another day....

1 comment:

Perry said...

Love the pictures of the cotton. I did not know that is what the white looked like, even though I have seen cotton in the fields before. Thanks for posting this! your garden is looking good!