...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, May 31, 2009


The past couple of weeks have been busy at our house! The pictures below will let you know why. My second son, Ross, graduated high school as of last night. He has made me proud beyond my wildest hopes (up to this point) and I am sure he is destined to continue this same path of achievement as he enters college and his adulthood.

Ross is a participant. If there is an organization or project that needs a "body", he doesn't hesitate to sign up and often rallies additional "bodies" from amongst his peers. (Unless its the project of cleaning his room or helping mom do something at the house!!!) As a result of "being into everything", he was awarded the prestigious honor of 2009 Longhorn of the Year for his class. Only one person gets selected from the entire graduating class and is a time-honored tradition since the days when I was a student and graduate of this same high school. I was pleasantly surprised... but then again I should have figured that as many times as he went to some activity before the sun rose and then stayed at school long after the sun set he was the only logical choice!!

Here Ross is singing with the Varsity Choir at the end of the graduation ceremony. A shot from the jumbo-tron was the best I could achieve. He is going to Austin (the state Capitol) today to compete in the UIL State Singing Competiton for Soloists and Ensembles. He won the right to be at state in both of these catagories.

Here is "Mr. W. T. White" with his grandparents after the commencement. (I call him this because once Ross and I went to a store where one of his classmates was working. As Ross walked in she said, "Well if it isn't Mr. W T White". I asked her what she meant and she said it was because "he is in everything". That should have been a clue to me about the rest of his accomplishments and the many recognitions. I always figured all this activity was his way of "playing through school" rather than devoting full attention to grades and studying).

Ross and one of his favorite teachers for the past 4 years. "Pop" (as he is called) is the Theater and Drama teacher. He is one of those teachers who gets teens to reach for their potential... and when they think they've stretched to reach as high as possible he expects even more from them. He is an example of what every teacher should be.

And so I am now the proud Mama of yet another high school graduate. In honor of Ross and his many achievements, here is a list of the accomplishments I can remember:

Varsity Cheerleader (2 years; Outstanding Junior Cheerleader in 2008)
Swimteam 3.5 years (many place medals, awards, and a district championship)
Letter jacket
National Thespian Award (only 5th or 6th one to a student in school history)
Best Actor - Drama Dept.
Texas Scholar
Best Male Varsity Choir Member
Best Theater Techie (Lighting and Sound)
Major role in 2009 annual musical production
Major role in UIL One-Act Play competition
State Ensemble Choir competition (They left this morning for Austin)
State Solo singing competition
Cum Laude Graduate
W. T. White 2009 Longhorn of the Year (the 38th to be named)
...... and even more I'm sure I am forgetting.

Ross, if you are reading this.... there is no one in the world more proud of you than your mom. Keep up this tradition you've started for yourself of working hard to excel and you will go very far in life. I wish you all the success and happiness in the world as you begin this new chapter. I love you more than I can express in words and am your #1 Fan!!!

Oh... coming in June.... be watching for a post about how AWESOME my oldest son, Wes, has been since the day he was born!

Until another day.....

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