...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I have successfully taken a few photos of the fish!!! Bear in mind I am still learning with both the camera (in full "M"anual mode) and the fish. I tried a few things and was able to duplicate success on several attempts. I will continue to experiment. [Clicking on the photos should get you a larger image.]

Until I share pics of the latest day-trip....


Robin in Short Pump said...

Did you use flash?

Gena in Dallas said...

Hi Robin --
Yes and no is the fast answer. Some I did; some I didn't. On some I used flash but made sure the flash was not aimed perpendicular to the glass. A few times I used the flash but sort of shielded the full flash with my hand so the light went out sideways. I also used a monopod to minimize camera shake... which is something at which I am very proficient!! lol

The photos shared in this post all used flash.

Thanks for looking... and asking your question! I love talking about experimenting with cameras as I try to advance beyond novice.

Connie said...

No small matter taking pictures of fish! They don't seem to want to pose in one position for very long! You did good work!