...of Jaunts and Journeys

Thursday, July 09, 2009


It's been quite some time since I posted. Life has gotten in the way. I've also been taking a Continuing Education class at the nearby community college for the past three weeks, so that is taking some of my spare time as well. I had good intentions of posting many glorious pictures from the 4th of July Fireworks Celebration, but that didn't quite turn out as I'd planned.

We went to Kaboom Town in Addison, Texas. Each year before the fireworks there are various other attractions such as this barn-storming daredevil. I shot a series of photos in continuous mode so you could see the formation of the loops as the plane did the acrobatics but they are too difficult to show here.

This photo is by accident. Toward dusk a plane was making loops as sparklers projected from the wingtips. Periodically a colored flare would be dropped. This is how it captured on the camera sensor. Amazing. I couldn't duplicate this if I tried!

Despite the small size here, if you can click to get a larger version you will see this is one of the "good" fireworks I captured.

Then things started going awry. Somehow the focal length got changed from 18mm (wide angle) to 55mm and thus the focus was no longer good. I was shooting everything in "M"anual and with a remote so there was no way to tell these were bum pics until I got them home. I was sooooo disappointed because I literally snapped hundreds of shots. However, they have an interest all their own. Some look like painted flowers; others look like sea anemones. Again, I probably couldn't duplicate this if I tried.

Until I get reorganized and have some "real" pictures to share...


Robin in Short Pump said...

Gena, nothing went awry. Check out this experiment in shifting focus:

I think they're very beautiful!

Gena in Dallas said...

Wow!! You validated my mistakes. THANKS!! It's definitely an "eye of the beholder" kind of thing. Thanks also for the kind words. Most good pictures I take are "by accident". The salesman at my favorite camera supply store laughs when I say that and reminds me not to tell anyone. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the website link you provided. She had some gorgeous shots. Have a great weekend!