Lately the fish population in my aquarium has been exploding! This is the culprit. He seems to be the only (and very prolific) male among 4 similarly sized OB Zebras. In the past weeks three of the females have either "had" their babies or are about to spew them forth. The male below has been displaying this vibrant coloring for the entire duration. The picture doesn't do justice to the iridescent blue he flashes as he swims.
Here is proof of his spawning abilities.... newly arrived baby cichlid; no bigger than 1/4" long.
...of Jaunts and Journeys
Saturday, April 16, 2011
RATHER FISHY (if you ask *me*)
Posted by
Gena in Dallas
11:17 PM
Monday, April 11, 2011
The other day I was the lucky recipient of 2 spring floral bouquets; one from my parents and the other from my sister. There are definitely some advantages to having a birthday in springtime. Here I share some of the photos. I was playing with closeups without benefit of a macro lens.

Beautiful lilies!
It's been an eventful few days.... depending on your perspective. I broke a tooth over the weekend; visited the dentist this morning to learn the best he could do was pull the dang thing. Not very good news, but at least I was able to get into the dentist quickly. Hopefully the residual pain will subside in a few hours.

Posted by
Gena in Dallas
2:25 PM
Saturday, April 09, 2011
I reached my 56th year earlier this week. I celebrated by taking a day off work (I never take vacation so I decided this year I will at least take a day here and there for "me") and going to the Dallas Zoo. I hadn't made a return visit in several years and was anxious to see the new exhibits being heavily advertised. Besides, it was a great excuse for toting the camera gear.
The last time we went to the Zoo, it was a very cold, winter day. I think there were a total of ten visitors that day. Needless to say, many of the animals had stayed indoors rather than brave the elements like their stupid human counterparts. So last time there were no gorillas to photograph. This time I headed to their habitat first! I share now a brief "show" of what was seen. No commentary necessary.
Posted by
Gena in Dallas
3:35 PM