...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, April 16, 2011

RATHER FISHY (if you ask *me*)

Lately the fish population in my aquarium has been exploding! This is the culprit. He seems to be the only (and very prolific) male among 4 similarly sized OB Zebras. In the past weeks three of the females have either "had" their babies or are about to spew them forth. The male below has been displaying this vibrant coloring for the entire duration. The picture doesn't do justice to the iridescent blue he flashes as he swims.

Here is proof of his spawning abilities.... newly arrived baby cichlid; no bigger than 1/4" long.

Recently I was gifted with a card to use at my favorite fish store. Today I used the gift card to add some color other than the orange blotch. This is a powder blue cichlid and he (or she) is gorgeous.

Another addition: yellow lab. I have a lone yellow lab and decided it was time to add some potential mates.

More demasoni cichlids. For some reason it is very difficult to keep these alive. But I keep trying.

This is a red jewel cichlid. Another gorgeous show of colors. Turquoise spots against a reddish-salmon color.

Naturally after adding the fish to the tank I had to take photos. The challenge of capturing the details of the fish with clarity as they swim is overpowering at times.

Until the next time...

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