...of Jaunts and Journeys

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday Blues and Blahs

This has been a very gloomy day. It was *supposed* to get to 70 degrees and be sunny. Ha!! It is lucky to be 58 with a gray, drizzling sky. To keep my mind off the gloom, I'm thinking ahead to more pleasant topics.

Got to wondering when the annual Quilter's Guild of Dallas show will be. It is always in March, so I looked up the exact weekend. Here is the flyer from their website. I've been a couple times. It isn't as huge as "the" show in Houston, but for a guild show, it is a decent size. The vendor area has grown steadily over the past several years. I always enjoy the section featuring quilts that are not being judged. I can relate more to them than I can to the heavy preponderance of "art quilts" vying for the handful of ribbons. I prefer traditional, pieced quilts.

For more information, click on the picture.

Until another time.......

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