...of Jaunts and Journeys

Monday, November 09, 2009


I upgraded. I went from this.....

To this....

Because this.... (approx. 1.5" screen)

Is now this..... (3" LCD screen)

And my eyes, which give me so much trouble, are thankful. I upgraded for no other reason. And as luck would have it, Canon happens to be offering an upgrade rebate right now. Life is good.

Until I can take more photos....


Robin in Short Pump said...

I'm jealous! I am so not in love with the dinky LCD on the Digital Rebel and have a 40D or 50D in the crosshairs for my Birthday/Christmas gift to myself. Enjoy the new toy, I want to see lots of exciting shots!

Gena in Dallas said...

What a grand gift that will be!! This was the most my budget would allow, but it is still better than the tiny little screen. The upside, the tiny screen made every shot look great because you couldn't see the details!!! lol