...of Jaunts and Journeys

Friday, January 25, 2008

And that's final !

I made a decision. After spending most of the afternoon trying to find all the old pictures of quilts I've done in the past so I could share them on this blog, I decided I will simply start new and post only pictures of new projects I am sewing. I learned that most of the photos from previous years have been safely archived on CDs and not worth the time to reload back to a hard drive.

So, that said...... here is the unassembled center of a Christmas BOM I am doing. Cindy is also doing this with me. This is not seamed together so that is why the blocks don't quite "fit". I merely wanted to get something NEW posted to my blog so no one could accuse me of not really being able to piece quilts!! LOL
Now I need to get motivated and work on more blocks.


Perry said...

Ok, not to shabby, it is looking good. I mean both the quilt and your blog site. You have an error in the weather site I think. Might want to check that one and see what the problem is. I like all 3 of the icons you added on the side. See if you can fix that one and let me know, and I will mention you on my blog and maybe we can get you started, lol.

Gena in Dallas said...

I don't see any error. It is showing my zipcode and local weather. What are you seeing that is in error?? I'll see what I can do.... Thanks for the words about the quilt and site. This is fun!!

Cindy said...

Your BOM is looking good. You are further than me, I still have 12 of the 6" ones to make. Maybe I will get back to that next week. Isn't blogging fun?