...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, June 08, 2008


... if you start the day by admiring your "crops" and thinking that each baby tomato is cute?

.... if the first sunflower to open in the yard makes you smile and sigh with contentment?

... if the baby rabbit at your Grandmother's house is worthy of a photo and a resounding "awww"?

.... if you go to a nearby County Fair and see the "beauty" in the picture below?

... if you get a happy, squishy feeling when you see the cow and her 5 month old calf?

... if you get even "squishier" when you see the cow/calf pair below with evidence the calf is very new (the umbilicus is still attached)?

.... if you see this magnificent young bull and admire the power and strength in his form?

Can you be a redneck if you go to the Tractor Pull and think it is every bit as fun as the NASCAR races?

... if you think no county fair is complete without a Midway and a ferris wheel?

This was the adventure of the weekend. We drove to Hunt County, Texas for the annual county fair and 4H exhibits. It relaxed my soul and being to the fullest. Nothing vulgar was seen or heard; no public rudeness was witnessed; no disrespectful children were mouthing off to parents, and everyone was friendly to complete strangers. I had so much fun.... I must be a redneck!

Until another day.....

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