...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, June 21, 2008


This past Thursday, June 19, was my oldest son's 19th birthday. Life has been busy for all of us, so I haven't had the chance to make mention of it here... until now! Unfortunately, I don't have any of his baby pictures on this computer. The pictures I've shared here are a few that managed to get transferred to the hard drive when the computer was upgraded. The final picture at the bottom was taken a couple weeks ago.

Wes was born in Lubbock, Texas... but we didn't learn of his birth until about 5 weeks later when we adopted him on July 26, 1989. It was a thrilling, yet scary time. We'd never been parents before and, while we were positive we were going to be the best parents that ever lived (what new parents don't think this way??), we were unsure about so many many things because we didn't realize what would be involved when caring for this newborn with his particular needs.

While skipping all the details, Wes has been a delightful son. He has a great personality and loves people. From the earliest age it was said that he never met a stranger he didn't like. Wes always was... and remains... my best helper. He mows the yard better than any professional lawn service. Since he was old enough to walk he has loved to vacuum the house!! What mother can't appreciate that trait in one of her children!!!?????

Wes is funny, caring, loves animals, works hard, sets a good example for his younger brothers, knows right from wrong, knows how to be a true friend, and is respectful to adults. He is well liked by many and loved very much by his family. I can't imagine what life would have been like without Wesley in it. He has certainly made my life better, more complete, and happier. I thank him for being a good person. I thank his birthmother for choosing to give him life, and I thank God for blessing me with the privilege of raising him as my son.

Happy 19th Birthday, Wes!! Hope the years are kind to you and you have many, many more happy ones to come.

I love you!!!!


1 comment:

Perry said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WES!!! You have made your mother very proud. Can I borrow him for about a week to help me with my yard? lol