...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Lawwdy, but it's hot outside!!!! Usually I can float in the pool and feel refreshed just skimming the top of the water. Today was a different matter. It was be IN the water or suffer from the heat. (The body on the left is my 17 year old son; what little you can see of him.)

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in my realm. There are many. I hope the day is made special for each of you in its own way.

Until I stop melting....

1 comment:

Perry said...

That pool looks so inviting! We have finally hit the 90's as of Monday. And our forecast looks like it must be summer time. I know your weather has been awful, we here it on our local station. Stay cool! Glad you are doing some sewing, even if it is one block a month, lol.