...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, January 11, 2009


With all the preparations that took place for the holidays, it had been quite some time since the Special Other and I had gone on a bonafide "adventure". I was especially anxious to go on a picture-taking adventure. We decided to go to the Dallas Zoo on Saturday morning. It certainly had its good and bad points. First of all, it was very cold and there was a biting northerly wind. The high for the day was about 50, and when we set out in the morning the temp was about 38 with a wind chill in the low 20s. We bundled up and persevered. Riding the DART train to our destination added adventure quality to the trek. The main advantage to going when we did was the fact there was likely less than 100 people at the zoo the entire day. Enjoy the pictures.

This cascading water seemed so calm and peaceful. The pool below the falls was enjoyed by ducks, geese, and flamingos.

Despite the menacing appearance, the Bald Eagle is majestic and rightfully a symbol of our nation.

This tiger looks friendly enough, but I wouldn't want to be any closer than the glass separating him from humans.

The Aviary was hot and humid in comparison to the elements outdoors. We were so cold it felt good... then the realization hit that we were in layers upon layers of clothing and couldn't wait to get back into the chilly air.

Flamingos are such elegant birds. They so gracefully balance on their stilt-like legs. Their colors are incredibly vivid. Once again, God did good work when he painted the feathers of these particular birds.

By the time we got to the habitats of the gorillas, lions, and other African savanna animals the temperature was again retreating and the animals had gone indoors. We vow to go back another time in early spring to complete the tour.

Until the next post.....

1 comment:

Robin in Short Pump said...

Nice photos, Gena. You really suffered for your art, didn't you? I'm probably going to be a fair-weather photographer LOL. You say you shoot Canon? What kind of gear? Lenses?

Robin in Short Pump