...of Jaunts and Journeys

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This is an experiment in photography. We are covered with a blanket of ice this morning and the sun is shining its fullest. As I wait for the ice to melt so I can venture to work (school was actually canceled today, to the delight of my high school senior who views this as a free pass to sleep in), I grabbed the camera and headed outside to see what I could capture for sharing here. Unfortunately, the translation from camera to blog didn't do well. Literally the ice on the tips of the tree branches glistens like diamonds, complete with the prism effect splintering the light into rainbows. If you click on the second photo to get the enlarged version you can pretend to see it. The holly photo was an afterthought. The red was so vivid it beckoned to me. Speaking of red, can you find the daddy cardinal I managed to capture in a couple of the photos? Regardless, hope you enjoy with the new tunes.

Until I figure out what to post next time.....

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