...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, September 28, 2008

TA-DA!!!!! ....and some pictures

The big news of the day - I have finished the top of the Seneca Falls quilt! YIPPEE!!!!! It measures about 116" X 116". It has literally taken me years to complete this project. Now to get it ready for the final quilting.

Close up of the quilt top.... first time I'd ever made New York Beauty blocks (the blocks that look like the sun with "rays" coming out).

A bee enjoying the lovely pink flowers.

A butterfly enjoying the same flowers. This is the time of year we start watching for the monarch butterflies as they migrate to Mexico for the winter. It is not uncommon to see MANY butterflies at a time.

This seems to be some sort of lily.

Until I have more to share.....


Perry said...

Congratulations! It is just beautiful!! Love the pictures you are taking, really really good.

Robin in Short Pump said...

Looks great, Gena, wow that is one massive quilt. Is it destined for a bed, a wall, or what?

Cyberbee Robin

Gena in Dallas said...

Hi Robin --

Thanks for taking a peek and the nice words. Yes, it will be used as a quilt on a king size bed. I also finished a king size Christmas quilt for the bed right before this one. It is what got me motivated to finish this one.... better late than never!!!

Do you have a blog site? I'd love to stop by if you do.

Gena in Dallas

Robin in Short Pump said...

No I don't have one. I've thought about it but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it up. Some bloggers I follow just amaze me that 1) they have time to take all those pictures from their everyday life, post them and blog about them and 2) get their projects done at the same time. I can barely get my projects done.
