...of Jaunts and Journeys

Sunday, November 02, 2008

1930s PRINTS & A VISITOR...#97

Here is the completed quilt top done in 1930s prints. I am pleasantly surprised at how colorful it is because I've always associated 30s prints with light and pastel. Regardless, I had fun exploring something new-to-me. Don't know that I will make another project from this genre, but at least I won't turn my nose up at the mere thought of doing so.

I've been busy this morning!! Oh.... first.... how about those Texas Tech Red Raiders beating Texas???? The end was spectacular and puts a team like the Dallas Cowboys to shame. There are lots of longhorns in the family, but Lubbock will always have a special place in my heart. The two oldest boys were born in Lubbock and adopted there.

I've been to the grocery store to buy supplies to make soup. Then I decided my oven was too filthy to go another day uncleaned, so I did that, too. I am on a roll.

My youngest son came for a visit yesterday. I was very surprised. He has seemingly matured, cut off all the long stringy hair, and actually looks like a very handsome young man. I am proud of him. We had a nice visit. Patrick is on the left and Ross is on the right. I can't believe Patrick is nearly as tall as Ross. Ross is 17 and Patrick is 14. His story is heartbreaking and perhaps some day I will be able to share it without totally losing my composure. It brings floods of tears at the least provocation.

Please remember my 51 year old sister in your thoughts and prayers. Her recent mammogram came back with suspicious results. She has further tests scheduled this week.

Until another time....

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