...of Jaunts and Journeys

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Good Day, Sunshine

Yes, as Perry put it in her latest blog entry, it is bright out here. I am also taking that to mean she is feeling better... or at least well enough to crawl out of the rabbit hole in which she was hiding for a few days.

There isn't a cloud in the sky and the temps are supposed to be in the mid 70s. I guess spring will be here soon.

I had to share this with you. I have a confused Christmas Cactus. It is already blooming again after having done so between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I recall reading they can bloom again around Easter, but even this latest blossoming has surprised me. No sooner had I removed the dead blooms from the last flowering when this one started. They must like it here. Also shown is an African Violet. I love these little flowers and the thick, velvety leaves. My paternal grandmother always had violets growing (and blooming) on her porch. They remind me of her.
I suppose that is why I keep some around.

Until the next post.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

For Perry

You extended a mini-challenge (of sorts) and I rose to it! ROFL

Oh the iron-y and other pressing issues

It seems I've been on a mission of late. Cindy started it when she mentioned her new iron a few days ago. I've never owned a Rowenta, but I can relate to the problem of a leaking iron. I go through irons like some people change shoes. Perhaps it is because the ironing board is always ready to go in the event I start making some blocks. More likely it is because in my rough and tumble household of teenage males there is always a football, skateboard, or other flying object knocking the iron to the floor. The water tank cracks and I am again the proud owner of yet another leaking steam iron. Can't bring myself to part with them. After all, the "dry" setting still works!! (Rolling my eyes here at the depths to which I will stoop to justify my propensity to remain a packrat).

No, I didn't rush right out and buy a new iron (I substitute steam for a nearby, handy spray bottle of water should it become necessary). Instead I bought soleplate cleaner and put myself to work cleaning all the burned gunk off the bottom of my existing irons, the cracked-tank population included. So that you don't have to wonder how the gunk gets on the iron just by simply pressing seams while I construct blocks, let me alleviate your curiosity. KIDS!! More specifically, BOYS!!! Did I mention TEEN boys?

They never give a flying-fig about their appearance until there is a "woman" involved. Then all of the sudden even the grungiest t-shirt requires an ironed-to-perfection dewrinkling. At this point the desire to impress the young lady becomes so great that the boys take it upon themselves to do the task without benefit of asking MOM. (Wow! perhaps I did something right in their rearing if they are willing to save their poor, old, mother extra work. Too bad they forgot the cost of the cleaner, the elbow-grease, and the extra fabric to remake a block when it is discovered that scorched glue has now been transferred to the latest quilt project!!)

Did you know the speed at which the wrinkles disappear is directly proportional to the heat setting of the iron controls - the hotter the iron setting, the faster the wrinkles disappear? WRONG!! Especially if you happen to smooth across the rubbery, iron-on design associated with the preferred shirt at the highest possible setting. And that is how my perfectly good, leaking irons get covered with gunk.

Next noted was the deplorable condition of the ironing board cover. You gotta love 'em! They *tried* to get the glue off the iron while it was still hot. They really did... all over the edges of the cover. So now the relatively simple task of cleaning an iron (or two or three) has translated into a trip to yet another store to buy a new cover.

It took an entire afternoon to accomplish so little in a workspace covering no more area than a square yard. Rest assured I felt satisfied.... now the iron and the board are renewed and ready for the next quilt blocks to be made.... or for the next wrinkled t-shirt; whichever comes first!!

Until the next time.....

Monday, February 25, 2008

Who, me? Procrastinate??

Isn't the snow beautiful? This was taken by relatives in northern Wisconsin. They were enjoying a day of snowmobiling. How I wish I could experience this just once. (Snowmobiles weren't invented yet when I lived there as a young girl.) But I do remember the snow... playing in it, building a snowman, iceskating. I wasn't old enough nor strong enough to do the work associated with the wintery groundcover - the shoveling!!

Some of you think I am crazy to want snow. But if you looked at the thermometer in my sidebar around 5:oo pm you would notice that it reads 82 degrees. Can you imagine 82 degrees on February 25? That is warm enough to turn on the air. No wonder I stay so cash poor.

Progress has been made on the Block-of-the-Month front. I have several blocks fully completed and now the remainder are waiting to be seamed. The blocks are a 9-patch version and all that I lack is the actual assembly of the "patches". The HSTs and the side pieces are finished.

Ummm.... disregard the above paragraph. I got soooo angry at myself for yet again procrastinating and putting off the completion of the BOM installment that as soon as I typed the part about the HSTs I got up from this computer and went to the machine to finish the remaining blocks. I AM ALL CAUGHT UP WITH THE BOM INSTALLMENTS!!!

Other than working on the blocks today, I've been busy. I experimented with making Black Pepper - Prosciutto bread yesterday afternoon. Not 100% successful, but headed the right direction. I should have subdivided the dough into quarters rather than just halving it.

I added some fish to the aquarium. First I took the goldfish to the nearby creek and released them. I couldn't make myself do something as cruel as flush them or give them to my cats. I now have Neon Tetras and Glowlight Tetras.

I need to finish some laundry, think about starting dinner, and find something relaxing to do for the evening. I wonder if I should start another quilt! ROFL Aren't there supposed to be some postings of progress made on a Web Challenge quilt? I am craning my neck to see.......

Until later........ (Cindy, sorry you have the flu. Lot of that going around. Take care of yourself.)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Back to Civilization *sigh*

I am back in Dallas after what proved to be a much needed change of pace, change of scenery, and change of attitude. I traveled to Athens.... Athens, Texas that is; population approaching 13,000.

We ventured to the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center to tour the hatcheries, walk the nature trails, and do some fishing. The trip was perfect in every way. We started with the nature trail, along which we learned about plants and animals indigenous to the state. I saw some bluebirds like the one shown below. I had not seen a bluebird since I was a little girl.

Next we went fishing. There were 2 types of fish they had stocked in the pond; rainbow trout and channel catfish. We could choose which one we wanted to catch by virtue of the bait supplied to us by the fishery. Harry opted for Rainbow Trout. He caught 2.

I chose to try for the channel catfish. I'd never really been fishing before now, so imagine my surprise that I was able to bait my hook, cast, and reel in a catch. Yes, I caught 3 catfish!! The largest was about 12" long and deserved to grow some more before making a tasty meal. I left the hook removal to Harry since I was afraid of being barbed by the whiskers and fins or injuring the fish too much for it to survive once released back into the waters.

We ended the adventure by driving to downtown Athens to eat in a hole-in-the-wall diner, hoping to find some good, old-fashioned diner cooking. We weren't disappointed.

Now, back to reality; back to civilization. I still have 14 BOM blocks cut out and all ready to start piecing. Tomorrow is the day I will begin to add the permanent tropical fish to the aquarium. Ross needs a ride to work tomorrow, there will be laundry to do, and more. Yup!! I am officially back to civilization.

Until later,

Thursday, February 21, 2008

For Sandra

I came home after an evening of watching the eclipse and jovial banter with my favorite special person. I decided to check my email one last time before I went to bed. I smiled when I saw the name of a friend in the "sender" column; a friend from whom I'd not heard since the New Year began. My smile quickly faded when I read the note and learned it was from her mother. My friend, Sandra, had taken her life January 19, 2008 and this was the first opportunity they'd been able to get into her computer.

It was incredibly thoughtful of Mrs. Rollins to email me this tragic news. How difficult it must have been for her to type those words. I've never met or spoken to Sandra's mother, but she must be an incredible person because in the midst of her grief for her daughter she was able to say something nice about me; mentioning that she knew Sandra had thought a great deal of me.

This news has shocked me to the core. I am still trying to make sense of the situation. Chiefly I am wondering how her 3 children are going to grow up without her. Her oldest daughter is about 17. She has 2 younger children who are probably 10 and under. ( I don't know the exact ages of her children because, like my own children, they were all adopted and some were older than newborns at the time of adoption so the exact ages are hazy in my mind).

I met Sandra in the early 1990s when my then-husband and I were taking the course to become adoptive/foster parents for Child Protective Services. Sandra and her husband were also taking the class and we met at a support group for parents of foster-adopted children. Sandra was 10 years younger than me, but we got along very well. I admired her ambition. She was attending classes at a local university, earned her degree in accounting, and then went on to pass the CPA exam. All the while she and her husband were active in the support group, entertained us in their home, visited us in our home, and became what I considered good friends.

Over the years we both added to our families through adoption, stayed in touch, visited when we could. We shared pictures of our children. We congratulated each other when there was cause for celebration and we listened to each other when there was a reason to vent or get another opinion. Most often we talked of issues pertinent to adoption and our dealings (not always pleasant) with CPS as we opened our hearts and homes to "their" children. She also spoke a great deal of her church and the pastor she truly liked and "related to".

Sandra continued to amaze me. She called one day to tell me she had gone back to school and was studying to be a nurse. I recalled thinking that Sandra would make an excellent nurse because she seemed such a nurturing, caring person. I gladly and without reservation often wrote reference letters for her when she was preparing to add to their family or was applying to return to school.

I was saddened during one phone call to learn she and her husband had divorced, but was happy Sandra sounded as though she had a bright future. She moved to a neighboring community and spoke of a job in the nursing field. Not unlike other families, she mentioned trials and tribulations she was experiencing raising kids, but I could relate well to that topic since my own children were now in their teen years or fast approaching.

One of the last times I talked to Sandra she called to tell me she was moving to Oklahoma where her mom lived. She gave me the address of a home she bought, passed along her new phone number, and again spoke of a bright future with a new job, new house, nearby relatives, and more.

And now I get this devastating news. My first instinct is to ask "why, Sandra?" But then deep inside my heart I know it isn't a question I should ask her. She obviously had her reasons. I do know this much.... for Sandra to have taken such a drastic approach she must have truly felt at the end of her rope. My heart is aching for the pain Sandra must have felt. My tears flow for those Sandra leaves behind who must make sense of such a non-sensical tragedy. My mind is trying to grasp how her young children will cope with this event given their ages. I am trying to understand how a mother must feel as she tries to pick up the shattered pieces and yet provide stability and a sense of continuity for her grandchildren. I am hoping Sandra's ex will set aside any remaining differences he and Sandra might have had for the sake of the children. And most of all, I am praying that Sandra is at peace from whatever heartache or demons she was facing.

Sleep peacefully, dear friend. You, those you loved, and those who loved you are all in my prayers.

Until another day.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Under the [Bad] Influence

Since the day I first ohhed and ahhed over a quilt, I've been under the influence. Yes, I get giddy (practically with drunkeness) when I am around gorgeous cotton fabrics that lend themselves well to an equally gorgeous quilt pattern. Fortunately I am not alone and in the company of some mighty wonderful people.

Then there are quilters who *are* the bad influence. These are the gals who are forever finding and pointing out new projects that make the rest of us drool. They know exactly how to feed this addiction we have. All they have to do is mention a website, a new offering at an online quilt shop, or a pattern they happened to see in a magazine. The rest of us unquestioningly take a peek at what the fuss is all about and before we know it, we are buying the kit, pulling fabrics from our stash, or signing up for yet another BOM or block swap.

There are some who take care of their addiction on the sly. They find these gorgeous projects, sign up to participate (whether by providing a credit card number or mentally committing to see the thing through), and then, ... see definition of bad influence above. All the while they act innocent and unaffected; like they can display incredible willpower and not succumb to the craving. Who is kidding whom?????

Hello. My name is Gena and I am an addict... ummm, and a bad influence (but only at times)..... as for the rest of you - You know who (and what) you are!!! *grin*

Until I need another 'fix'.....

Monday, February 18, 2008

On a Roll

Things are on a roll. This is the fourth day on which I can report NO dead fish. I am deliriously happy about this. I am all excited about the prospect of getting closer to being able to add the tropical fish I originally planned to put in the tank.

I actually did some sewing this weekend. Now I am only one full installment behind for the Christmas BOM. When Cindy called she was able to thumb her nose at me because she is all caught up - just waiting for the next one to arrive in the mailbox.

Yesterday we rode the light rail (DART train) to one of the stations and then walked the couple blocks or so to Central Market. Central Market is an upscale grocery store, catering to those who prefer organics, exotics, unusual, expensive, and gourmet. We have a passion for the store's Black Pepper-Prosciutto Ficelle which, given the size of the tiny baguette, is very pricey (mainly due to the fact that the prosciutto they list in the ingredients is the brand one can find in their deli for $23.99 per pound)!

Ever on the quest to be thrifty and frugal, I got the brainy idea to experiment with making my own in my bread machine. Naturally, I had to buy a loaf of the real thing so I had a basis for comparison. Hence the trek to the Market. We never get out the door without spending more than originally intended. Harry bought two bottles of imported beer (one from Russia, the other from Bavaria) and a few other tasty delights. I bought a few things as well. At least I spent less than him. We each buy different things and then go home to share; that way we both get samples of the offerings without spending more than necessary. It works for us. However, he can keep the habenero stuffed olives to himself. They were so spicy I got a terrible case of the hiccups after eating just one!

Remember the new coffeepot and the problem with finding the right proportion of ground coffee to each cup? Problem solved. The coffeemaker has gradient markings on the water tank as does the carafe. I was using a pitcher to pour cold water into the tank until it reached the desired level/number of cups to brew. WRONG!!! Today I used the carafe and was amazed to learn that the equivalent marking on the side of the carafe did not come close to equaling the mark on the tank. Now I might be able to make a decent cup of coffee again. To make sure, I carefully perused the instruction manual and no place is this issue addressed.

Time to get back to rolling. I can smell the coffee I just brewed and need to sample the results.

Until I post again.....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men *

** Trivia for the day: the title is from a line in To a Mouse, a poem by Robert Burns, written in 1785. The correct line is " The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley" which translates to "the best-laid plans of mice and men go oft awry". It is said this is the line from which John Steinbeck got the title for his work Of Mice and Men. At this point the explanation can become lengthy about why this title was chosen by Steinbeck over the working title of Something That Happened. Arent' you glad you didn't ask?? LOL

I didn't go walking this morning. I can't. It is cold and raining heavily.

Good news on the aquarium scene: this is the second day in a row in which there were NO DEAD FISH! Harry kept telling me to "wait, hang in there, this is natural" when I was bemoaning the daily loss of ichthyological life! If this keeps up, the only thing I will bemoan is having to admit he was right yet again!

I was supposed to go to College Station this morning with my "prospective college student", but due to his plans to attend a high school dance tonight, the plans got rearranged. Parents were taking personal vehicles rather than the bus provided by the university and then cutting short the afternoon activities to return to Dallas in time for the dance. (College Station is about 3 hours away from Dallas if I remember correctly). Ross went without me. He rode the bus with some friends and then will come back in the SUV that followed the bus. There wasn't room for one more so I opted out and stayed home.

I wanted to go very badly, but I wanted to linger; see the Bush Presidential Library, and more. I have not been back to the campus since 1982. Texas A&M University is one of the places I was truly happiest. (I could have easily made working on degrees a life-long career had I been born independently wealthy.)

A small portion of the Texas A&M University campus

I've been experimenting in the kitchen again. I have always thought a spicy potato salad would be heavenly. Yesterday I came up with a dish that is getting closer to what I have in mind. Reminded me of guacamole using potatoes instead of avocados. Maybe it was more like potato salad with pico de gallo stirred in. Either way, it was spicy and tasty.

Now I plan to get some sewing done. I think Cindy finally caught up with me and then surpassed me on progress of the Christmas BOM we are doing. Of course, she cheated by taking a Sewing Day this week. (Just kidding, Cindy).

First I will have to clear a spot on the sewing table. What a mess!!! At the moment I can't even reach the cutting mat because it is buried by other things: fleece yardage I purchased to make myself a sleeveless zip up vest, patterns of quilt projects I've been meaning to start (Great Pumpkin), fabric I found on sale to make a Christmas table runner, and more.

So off I go.... hope everyone has a productive, warm-n-cozy day.

Until I check in again.......

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day to all....

A very Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I hope the day is full of love and memories of candy hearts and paper Valentines.

I am developing quite a rejection complex. Yet another goldfish has died. This is getting ridiculous.
This afternoon I made some Valentine surprises for a few people on my "gotta give some love" list. The favorite goody I made was Olive Relish for only the best guinea pig an aspiring gourmand could desire, aka Harry. Every time I make this speciality it turns out slightly different. That could be because I have yet to put the recipe to paper. The recipe itself is sophomoric to prepare; a matter of proportions and then lots of chopping on a cutting board.

Gena's Spicy Olive Relish

1 6 oz. can small, pitted black olives; drained and coarsely chopped
9 oz. jar of Jalepeno Garlic Olives, drained, coarsely chopped; Mezzetta brand recommended.
(I use about two-thirds to three-quarters of the jar with one can of small pitted black olives. Yes, I chop the garlic cloves and jalepeno slices right along with the green olives. I basically "eyeball" equal parts of the black olives to the green)
2 teaspoons of diced pimento, drained and chopped finely.

Mix together in a plastic container, drizzle a bit of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil... can you tell I watch Rachael Ray??) to provide some moisture to hold it together. Cover and refrigerate until time to open the bottle of wine. Stir slightly and spoon into a serving dish. Serve with small round crackers. Enjoy!!

This has become a favorite pairing with a glass of wine. I've taken it to parties and received rave reviews. But watch out!! If there are any true olive lovers around there won't be any left for sharing with the others.

Now I need to get busy making some other goodies. Until the next time... or when the next fish dies, whichever comes first.............

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

History repeating itself.....

One fish down; two more left to kill. Sheesh!!!

Until later when I can see if this count needs to be updated....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fish Stories and other Tales

I've always wanted an aquarium. Several years ago I made an attempt at starting one, but thanks to the altruistic (?) nature of my youngest child (he was all of 4 or 5 at the time) the fish didn't last very long. He fed them some of his dinner one night. Tuna Noodle Casserole with Peas. Never did figure out if he was trying to be nice to the fish by sharing or politely get out of eating something he didn't particularly want to eat. End result: dead fish.

Once again the desire to have an established, flourishing aquarium has consumed me. I am totally envious of anyone with a good aquarium. They seem so easily maintained and yet so peaceful. Thanks to a certain "special other", I am now in possession of two mini-aquariums with which I can once again try to enjoy the serenity of watching fish swim.

He helped me get the thing connected and gave me helpful advice about which fish to start with to establish a balanced pH, etc. Although I had visions of beautiful scenery, colorful tropical fish, and live plants, I settled for plastic container, fake plants, and plain goldfish until the water gets conditioned properly.

Surprise! I am not off to a good start! Woke this morning to find cloudy water. Made a trek to the store to find a new filter; a filter that is no longer available. Featured prominently in the display of fish paraphenalia is a bottle of red liquid, promising to clear even the cloudiest of waters instantly! Don't fall for the sales tactic. It didn't work. So I baled out as much of the murky water as I dared and refilled it with the clear variety. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

To hear some people talk, I am nothing but a red-neck, country gal despite the fact I live in a metropolitan area inhabited by several million people. That may or may not be, but it doesn't change the fact that I have a very strong desire to go fishing for REAL fish.... fish that I catch, clean, cook, and eat.

I'd also like to go hunting for game some day. I am fascinated with shotguns; not in some twisted, demented, oh-my-god-we-need-to-keep-our-eyes-on-her way. I love the sound they make when fired. I like the smell. I like how it feels to put the butt to my shoulder and train my eye down the length of the barrel.

Now if only I could find someone with whom I could share these longings and be taken seriously enough to help me fulfill them... or better yet, someone who would let me venture along when he enjoyed these activites for himself. I doubt there is a man alive who would want a woman tagging along as he went hunting or fishing! Oh, he might not mind if she stayed back at the camp or cabin, preparing hearty meals for his return from the field. But to include a woman with the actually hunt? Those days... and men like that... are long done.

Until another time....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bunnies Galore

I am full of energy and forcing myself to update the blog. I have been working up a storm since I got home at noon.

It started when I took my walk this morning. I'd been in the habit of walking no less than 2 miles per day; sometimes double that or more. When I had surgery in April - and with its unexpected accompanying complications - I was forbidden to exercise. As time has a way, the weeks slipped into months and then, for one reason or another, I was no longer in the habit. This was followed by my recent stays in the hospital and more health issues. I finally decided I was going to have to force myself to get back in the groove.

The real reason though... my high school junior and I will be visiting a university campus this weekend. I know there will be much walking as we go from presentation to presentation. I figure that if I get some good walking in early in the week I will have worked out any stiffness and soreness resulting from the first few miles of reacquainting my body with the routine.

So far the most obvious result of the walk has been this burst of sudden, new found energy. I've cleaned the kitchen top to bottom, washed 3 loads of clothes, straightened my clothes closet, sorted through a pile of 'stuff' for the recycle bin, made plans to go buy some fish so I can set up a small - very small; one-gallon - aquarium at work tomorrow, remembered to get out my state quarters to take to Harry's house (he has some I need and I have a few he lacks), and put the cord for the camcorder in my purse (also to take to Harry's so I can show him how to copy from the camcorder directly to a DVD). This was all in the past hour and fourty-five minutes!!

Likewise, in my burst of energy, this morning before work I found a picture of a quilt top I wanted to show Perry. She also asked to see a pic of the new bunny Harry bought this past weekend.

So, these are for you Perry...

Meet Skittles.... a Lionhead Lop.

Here is a picture of the top/shop sample I did many months ago. It is from the Buggy Barn book Stir Crazy.

Until another time.....

Saturday, February 09, 2008

the TREND continues....

For the past several days I have been busy doing activities that, when completed, leave no outward evidence that accomplishments have been made. I *hate* those sorts of tasks. Talk about thankless!!! (No, I don't really expect the teenagers to say [or even notice], "Gee, Mom, thanks for cleaning the baseboards in the family room").

I've been completing and preparing for the post office more than a few mail-in rebates. I don't know what it is about these things, but I always feel like I got a superior bargain if a rebate is associated with a purchase. Yes, it can be a hassle, but I remind myself money is money! The only rebates I tend to avoid are those from my wireless company because all they give are debit cards. No matter how I try, there is always a small balance remaining on the card that basically becomes useless and is never redeemed. I have one in my wallet at the moment with $1.26 on it. How can I spend that??? The point of this paragraph is that I'm now waiting for nearly $100 in rebates to make their way to me. That is a good chunk of change in my book.

I know some of you are experiencing sub-freezing temperatures, snow, and more. Here the temps are headed to the upper 70s with not a cloud in the sky. It is reasonable to think you might be envious of that kind of day in early February. That is the problem. It is EARLY February and we are already headed for temperatures approaching what some of you would call summer-like. It is much too early to be so close to running the air conditioner. I'm still paying on those bills from last summer!!

Broke down and bought a new coffee pot. This one is programmable. I've always wanted to be the sort of person who started the day with a cup of hot, aromatic coffee. However, by the time I get the household stirring, take care of the pets, and all the other morning things, there isn't time to make coffee, let alone drink it. So this is my assumed solution. I can prepare the coffee the night before, and it can brew right before my alarm goes off. I can drink coffee while I get ready. Now to perfect the ratio of ground coffee per cup! I had forgotten that each manufacturer (and coffeepot) is different.

Last night I attended a lovely banquet with my junior in high school. He was on the varsity cheerleading squad this year and this was the end-of-year banquet for the cheerleaders. We ate fajitas, rice, green salad, chips and salsa. However, I stuck to the salad and rice since I am observing the Lenten edict of no meat on Fridays. I enjoyed the meal anyway. Ross was named the Junior Cheerleader of the Year. This boy continues to make me very proud. Whenever I am feeling 'down' and think I am a failure as a mother (based on the behavior and delinquent tendancies of my 13 year old) I need look or think no further than my 2 oldest sons to get bolstered back into reality. I *have* done some things right or these 2 young men would not be as wonderful as everyone tells me. Patrick is the one who is making bad choices about his life, not me! He was raised the same way as the other two boys and yet they were capable of learning lessons from their mistakes that obviously continue to elude Patrick....the lessons, not the mistakes! I can feel my blood pressure rising. Time to move on.....

Today brings yet another adventure. Ross has to work, but Harry, Janelle, and I are traveling to the feed store in Garland to buy a baby bunny. Harry's last remaining bunny died a few days ago and I had a feeling at the time he'd be replacing it. I even called the feed store to see if they had any rabbit does available. They do, so that is our destination today. We will eat lunch at one of the quaint restaurants in the old downtown area. Garland is really revamping the area. It is within walking distance of the DART rail (Dallas area light rail system) station and a favorite Saturday pasttime of Harry's and mine. Today we will take a personal vehicle unless we use a crate to carry the bunny.

Time to get going....... hope everyone has a terrifc day and weekend.

Until another.....

Thursday, February 07, 2008

A question of age....

I don't know if I am getting old or if all my "stuff" is getting old. Today I am cleaning out lower kitchen cabinets in an attempt to make room for and organize the new cookware I bought a few weeks ago. My existing cookware is almost 35 years old and the handles are no longer able to be tightened because the plastic material around the screws has cracked and been scorched by all the heat of a cooktop. So I thought I'd be clever and buy new cookware with riveted handles and non-stick coating. So far I am really enjoying the convenience of these pots and pans, but I am finding it difficult to part with the old, broken pots. It is almost like giving up some of my youth! These were once a new set of pans acquired when I first set up my own household.

This means I need to find room in the cabinet for two sets of cookware. As I am rearranging the contents of the cabinets, I come across my electric frying pan/griddle that no longer heats properly. Then I must make a determination about the mini food processor that no longer works because the plastic 'teeth' on the center spindle have broken. The beaters no longer rotate in the portable electric mixer. I won't even mention the broken coffee pot, the burner that no longer lights on the cooktop, and a myriad of other calamities in my kitchen.

Oh, I'm making room in my cabinet all right!! How can so many things simultaneously be rendered no longer usable? Is it inconceivable that something made of metal is indestructable? Or what about items not used on a daily basis, like the food processor?

And so time gets spent working in the kitchen and when it is all finished there is no outward evidence that I've been busy doing a task for literally hours! Sheesh!! Makes a body wonder if it is worth it. I should have used the time to sew some blocks.

Until another time.....

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A Good Day

Today has been a good day for many different reasons. The mail was chocked full of goodies to open, for one thing!

Got a box stuffed with fat quarters and backgrounds (as well as a few other goodies) in a deal made with Cindy. Thanks, Cindy!! That was a wonderful surprise. Can't believe it got here so quickly.

The next picture is the reason I've been scrounging for neutral backgrounds. I've had this pattern for years. I always intended to use some cream neutrals, but then got sidetracked when I used nearly all my creams in a pattern called Country Stars. (a top I finished ages ago, and have yet to get it quilted!) I have all the oranges and greens for the pumpkins and now can happily say the creams and tans are now again available in my stash. Does this mean I am back on target to work on The Great Pumpkin Quilt?

There was one last goody in my mail; the next BOM installment for a king-size Christmas quilt I am piecing. Twenty more 8-1/2" blocks and I can begin assembling the center. At the moment 20 sounds like quite a few. LOL

Went to Ash Wednesday Mass at noon with my special other. We are both committed to observing Lent to the fullest extent. We did the same last year and actually succeeded. One thing we *don't* give up is drinking. That is his idea. The reason: then we couldn't drink at Irish Fest in March! Is that the mentality of a Catholic Irishman or what? We also have a wine-tasting event to attend in early March, so this will allow us to enjoy that function as well. The only person with a conflict of interests will be me. I am attending a Spring Cheerleader Banquet with my son on Friday evening. I would bet the fare includes chicken rather than fish! I can always eat veggies, a roll, and dessert. I am sure I won't starve.

Until another post...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fat Tuesday

Today is the last day of Mardi Gras... Fat Tuesday. The political Super Tuesday holds no significance to me.

I've been busy in my "other" life... that of mom, employee, friend, homeowner, daughter, and special other.

That means I've had no time for sewing blocks. I will try to rectify that in the near future. I still have a few blocks left to piece for the latest BOM installment.

I got a very special phone call from my son yesterday in the middle of his day at school. When I saw his caller ID I was sure he was sick and needed me to get him, or more likely, needed me to take him some money for something!! I was pleasantly surprised to hear him telling me he had just been told his class rank (he's a junior). I was so proud of him I nearly burst into tears when he told me. Let's just say he was definitely in the top 10% of his class. Now he's more determined than ever to study so he can have a choice of colleges in a year.

Time to get to bed. I woke two hours before the alarm this morning and have felt grumpy most of the day as a result of that lack of extra sleep.

Until the next time....

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Time flew...and then some!

Wow! I was tweaking some settings on this blog and came across the creation date. I started this blog on March 20, 2005. That is almost THREE years ago!!! I've been less than diligent about posting, but that was in the past. Time seems to go faster these days.

I've been busy this morning. I got a small turkey in the oven at 9:00 a.m. and hope to serve it for a noon meal. The blocks for my BOM that I cut yesterday were beckoning to me, so I actually sewed some of those. I hope to start assembling the center soon. I already posted a picture of how the center will look upon completion.

Have no Super Bowl plans other than to cheer for the Patriots. If they've gone this far undefeated, they deserve to win it all. Plus Tom Brady is pretty dang cute. However, we plan to attend 5 o'clock Mass this evening since we figure it won't be crowded. Quite frankly, neither of us felt well enough yesterday to go to our usual 5 o'clock Saturday Anticipated Mass. And neither of us feel well enough today to worry about any special SuperBowl snacks. Perhaps a glass of wine will be good.

On that note, I return to piecing my blocks.....

Saturday, February 02, 2008

February already?

Is January really behind us so soon? Seems hard to believe. January has always been my least favorite month. It seems to drag on forever. By the time January 25th rolls around it seems much longer than a month since Christmas came and went.

I survived my ordeal with the gastroenterologist yesterday. Waiting for test results now.

Some online quilting friends are raving about the new Web Sampler. I've taken a look at it and agree the blocks and fabric selection are divine. However, I played along by looking at all the blocks from the participating online shops and tried to decide which finishing kit I'd use to set all the blocks. I narrowed it down to a choice of no fewer than FIVE!!! Good luck to those of you who are doing it. I envy your ability to make tough decisions.

Cindy called me this morning. She is such a dear. She has a way of perking me up if I happen to be in a sullen mood. We talk about what projects we are each doing and what gorgeous projects or fabric we've seen. Thanks, Cindy!!

I woke this morning with the intention of getting some blocks made. So far I've taken a son to work, gone to the bank, dropped something off at my parents' house, straightened up around the house, and now I am typing this. I've yet to see in the list of today's accomplishments anything about sewing some quilt blocks. LOL

I guess that is as good an exit line as any. Until the next time.........