...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men *

** Trivia for the day: the title is from a line in To a Mouse, a poem by Robert Burns, written in 1785. The correct line is " The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley" which translates to "the best-laid plans of mice and men go oft awry". It is said this is the line from which John Steinbeck got the title for his work Of Mice and Men. At this point the explanation can become lengthy about why this title was chosen by Steinbeck over the working title of Something That Happened. Arent' you glad you didn't ask?? LOL

I didn't go walking this morning. I can't. It is cold and raining heavily.

Good news on the aquarium scene: this is the second day in a row in which there were NO DEAD FISH! Harry kept telling me to "wait, hang in there, this is natural" when I was bemoaning the daily loss of ichthyological life! If this keeps up, the only thing I will bemoan is having to admit he was right yet again!

I was supposed to go to College Station this morning with my "prospective college student", but due to his plans to attend a high school dance tonight, the plans got rearranged. Parents were taking personal vehicles rather than the bus provided by the university and then cutting short the afternoon activities to return to Dallas in time for the dance. (College Station is about 3 hours away from Dallas if I remember correctly). Ross went without me. He rode the bus with some friends and then will come back in the SUV that followed the bus. There wasn't room for one more so I opted out and stayed home.

I wanted to go very badly, but I wanted to linger; see the Bush Presidential Library, and more. I have not been back to the campus since 1982. Texas A&M University is one of the places I was truly happiest. (I could have easily made working on degrees a life-long career had I been born independently wealthy.)

A small portion of the Texas A&M University campus

I've been experimenting in the kitchen again. I have always thought a spicy potato salad would be heavenly. Yesterday I came up with a dish that is getting closer to what I have in mind. Reminded me of guacamole using potatoes instead of avocados. Maybe it was more like potato salad with pico de gallo stirred in. Either way, it was spicy and tasty.

Now I plan to get some sewing done. I think Cindy finally caught up with me and then surpassed me on progress of the Christmas BOM we are doing. Of course, she cheated by taking a Sewing Day this week. (Just kidding, Cindy).

First I will have to clear a spot on the sewing table. What a mess!!! At the moment I can't even reach the cutting mat because it is buried by other things: fleece yardage I purchased to make myself a sleeveless zip up vest, patterns of quilt projects I've been meaning to start (Great Pumpkin), fabric I found on sale to make a Christmas table runner, and more.

So off I go.... hope everyone has a productive, warm-n-cozy day.

Until I check in again.......

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