...of Jaunts and Journeys

Saturday, February 02, 2008

February already?

Is January really behind us so soon? Seems hard to believe. January has always been my least favorite month. It seems to drag on forever. By the time January 25th rolls around it seems much longer than a month since Christmas came and went.

I survived my ordeal with the gastroenterologist yesterday. Waiting for test results now.

Some online quilting friends are raving about the new Web Sampler. I've taken a look at it and agree the blocks and fabric selection are divine. However, I played along by looking at all the blocks from the participating online shops and tried to decide which finishing kit I'd use to set all the blocks. I narrowed it down to a choice of no fewer than FIVE!!! Good luck to those of you who are doing it. I envy your ability to make tough decisions.

Cindy called me this morning. She is such a dear. She has a way of perking me up if I happen to be in a sullen mood. We talk about what projects we are each doing and what gorgeous projects or fabric we've seen. Thanks, Cindy!!

I woke this morning with the intention of getting some blocks made. So far I've taken a son to work, gone to the bank, dropped something off at my parents' house, straightened up around the house, and now I am typing this. I've yet to see in the list of today's accomplishments anything about sewing some quilt blocks. LOL

I guess that is as good an exit line as any. Until the next time.........

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